Security Management
Leaders in Security Management
The Gold Shield Group is a recognized leader in security management. Once a security officer has been assigned to a client, the most important element necessary to maintain a high level of service is effective management.
In order to insure the highest level of security service our hands on staff is ready to deal with any and all problems that an individual post may encounter regardless of its nature.
Our supervisors make regular security checks, insuring constant communication with the officers in the field. This form of monitoring enables us to keep a constant control while maintaining the ability to respond to any given situation with extreme prejudice.
It is our policy to have principles and supervisors perform unannounced visits of all stations. At such times if the situation warrants the supervisor or principle will meet with the company director of security to ascertain if there is anything further that the Gold Shield Group can do to enhance the security service.
Should the need ever arise the principles of the Gold Shield Group are readily available to speak with our clients concerning any and all aspect of the security service we are providing.
Contact The Gold Shield Group
via our online form or
call us directly at 212-763-8567.
Mark, Ron and Jerry Pugh with Regy Bush and Matt Leinhart at the Heisman awards
With Carl Rove at Hertigage Foundation function.
Mark, Ron and Tony Baker escorting Regy Bush across time square from the awards to the hard rock cafe for press interviews
With John Stossel at Hertigage Foundation function.