"Our gratitude for your expert services & exclusive armed executive protection." Hampshire Hotels & Resorts
"I am truly inspired by the professional quality and remarkable competence of your colleagues who were responsible for ensuring security and order at our venue."
Consulate General of Bangladesh
"It is undoubtedly true that our success is in part due to the superior security and protection services provided by you and your fine staff." Timothy Henning, Associate Director, The Heisman Memorial Trophy
"I want to thank you for the protection that you gave to me during the Heisman Ceremony." Michael L. Garret, Athletic Director, University of Southern California
"With the four Mayoral candidates attending our morning session and former President Clinton attending our luncheon, it was essential that we had a secure and orderly setting. The Armed Executive Protection Services that your staff performed was an integral part of the success of this function." Jerry Goldman, Assistant to the President, United Federation of Teachers
"Best Security Company!" Dan's Papers
"Thank you for all of your assistance with the NFA Coca-Cola Kenny Loggins Event held at the Hilton Towers. You and your staff bring a level of professionalism and integrity to a much needed service." Liz Stuckey, Account Manager, Milestone
"We are delighted to work with such a professional and reliable team in our endeavor to protect our clients while they are in New York City." Gavin Jones, Director of Security, The St. Regis
"Your input and professionalism has been extraordinary and has gone far beyond the call of duty." Matthias Visser, Hervis Entertainment
"Your investigations have been thorough and comprehensive and we have always relied upon you to provide the detailed documentation that we require." Dennis Reese, Bank Management Systems
"Your expertise, attention to detail, critical analysis of the facts, and ability to prepare concise and meticulous reports make you a true professional in your field." A.V. Narinesingh, Senior Partner, The Cynton Company

Thank You Letters
Dear Mark & Ron,
I wanted to take the time to personally thank you both for the services The Gold Shield Group has provided to the Heisman Trophy Trust over the past six years. With the 2007 Heisman Trophy Awards readily approaching I am reminded of the service and professionalism your company has continually shown in the past. Your attention to detail has been instrumental with regard to our event support, and has greatly attributed to their great successes. We all look forward to working with you again this year and in the years to come. Best regards.
Rob Whalen
Dear Ron,
For the 68th time this year, the Downtown Athletic Club of New York City presented the Heisman Memorial Trophy Award. In the matter of three days more than a dozen events took place to commemorate the announcement of the trophy and its presentation to this years winner, Carson Palmer of the University of Southern California.
We were so very pleased that each of these events went off successfully. It is undoubtedly true that our success is in part due by the superior security and protection services provided by you and your fine staff. I cannot begin to thank you enough for the professional treatment that we received.
On behalf of the Heisman staff, we appreciate the quality of the outstanding service that your crew provided us. Several of the former trophy winners each noted how impressed they were with the security detail this year. Your team consistently made the extra effort to assist us with all of our needs.
With so many different aspects to be concerned about, knowing that your crew was on board gave us one less worry. You were consistently dependable and above par overall. Please accept our appreciation. We look forward to a continued relationship in the future.
Thank you again for your invaluable assistance.
Timothy Henning
Associate Director
The Heisman Memorial Trophy
Consulate General of Bangladesh
Dear Mr. Lawson,
I am writing to convey our deep appreciation and sincere thanks for the excellent security arrangements made by your company at the Civic Reception of the Hon'ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh on 15 September, 2005 at Hotel Grand Hyatt.
I am truly inspired by the professional quality and remarkable competence of your colleagues who were responsible for ensuring security and order at the venue. Please convey our best wishes and thanks to them for a job well done.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
M. Amanul Haq
Consulate General of Bangladesh
Dear Ron & Mark,
I want to thank you both for the Gold Shield Group's outstanding security services during this month. We are delighted to work with such a professional and reliable team in our endeavor to protect our clients while they are in New York City.'
Planning events requires the coordination and cooperation of several parties. It is a great comfort to know that the issues of security are not only treated seriously, but with great attention to detail and precision. You and your staff are a pleasure to work with. Your men are sharp, courteous and aware of present situations at all time. Their ability to handle any given situation in a timely professional manner is obviously one of the factors that have set The Gold Shield Group as one of the leaders in your profession. We look forward to a continued relationship and extend our thanks once again.
Gavin Jones
Director of Security
Dear Mark & Ron,
A worldwide corporation such as Yum! Brands, Inc holds the bar very high with regard to the standards we insist upon. Only the highest level of service with regard to a security/protection firm is acceptable to our company. The Gold Shield Group over the past years has proven to bring the professionalism that we required in a high level security firm. The fact that you have provided the needed resources at short notice has always been critical in an environment where long term planning is not always a luxury that is afforded. “We look forward to a long continued relationship”.
Mike Webb
Loss Prevention Manager
Yum! Brands, Inc.
Dan's Papers - Best of the Best
The Gold Shield Group has been selected as the Official Dan's Papers Reader's Choice Best Security Company!
Dan Rattiner, Editor in Chief
Dear Mr. Lawson:
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the thorough and comprehensive services that your agency performed at our May 12th Spring Educational Conference and Luncheon that was held at the New York Hilton Hotel and Towers.
A major concern of ours at this event was the smooth and efficient movement of the 3,200 participants in such a confined space. However the presence of your staff was an essential ingredient for the orderly transition from location to location. With the four Mayoral candidates attending our morning session and former President Clinton attending our Luncheon, it was essential that we had a secure and orderly setting. The Armed Executive Protection Services that your staff performed was an integral part of the success of this function.
Again, thanks for your advice and assistance.
Jerry Goldman
Assistant to the President
Dear Ron:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Gold Shield Group for the many years of support to XEROX CORPORATION. The services Gold Shield Group provided to us from executive protection, event support, electronic sweeps, investigations have been unparalleled hence our continued business relationship. Your team has always stepped up to the plate and carried out the specified mission with extreme professionalism and demeanor. Knowing that your team consists of either active or retired law enforcement brings a certain comfort level that the job at hand will meet Xerox Corporate Security standards. Xerox looks forward to our ongoing relationship with you, Mark and the rest of your team. Once again thanks for all the excellent support.
Ivan Rivera
Xerox Corporate Security
Attn: Mark J. Slovensky & Ronald J. Lawson
Dear Gentlemen,
Please allow this letter to express our sincere gratitude to you and the Gold Shield Group for your expert services since 1 996 concerning the Exclusive Armed Executive Protection and Security for our 14 Hotel Properties within the New York Manhattan Area.
It is our intention to continue using your services and look forward to a long and mutually satisfying relationship.
Riyaz Akhtar
Executive Vice-President, Development
To Whom It May Concern,
Please be advised that Mr. Ron Lawson, the Gold Shield Group and Gold Shield Investigations has performed our exclusive outside due diligence investigations on behalf of my company, Bank Management Systems and BMS Financial, since 1988.
The due diligence investigations, both financial and background investigative, have been conducted worldwide and have included traveling to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Mexico City, Canada, several areas in the Caribbean and several countries in Europe.
Mr. Lawson's investigations have been thorough and comprehensive. We have always relied upon him to provide the detailed documentation that we require.
Dennis Reese
This letter is to confirm that Mr. Ronald J. Lawson of The Gold Shield Group, Inc., has undertaken project investigations on an exclusive basis over the past twelve years on behalf of our firm.
During this period, Mr. Lawson completed assignments in many countries including, but not limited to, China, Canada, the Caribbean Basin, Mexico, Slovakia, Istanbul and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where he braved an often inauspicious and peremptorily hostile environment to complete his project due diligence in a timely manner.
Mr. Lawson has always shown a diplomatically skilled approach to his forensic obligations as a Professional Investigator, and has demonstrated time and again his uncanny ability to uncover and present the true facts surrounding representations made by a client, particularly, when seeking funding for a project.
His expertise, attention to detail, critical analysis of the facts, and ability to prepare concise and meticulous reports make him a true professional in his field.
Our company wiii continue to retain his services.
Yours truly,
A.V. Narinesingh
Senior Partner
Dear Mr. Lawson,
I am writing to thank you for several months of excellent service to my company. Your input and professionalism has been extraordinary and has gone far beyond the call of duty.
It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I hope that the relationship between our companies will continue long into the future.
Kindest regards,
Matthias Visser
University of Southern California
Dear Ronald:
I wanted to thank you for the protection that you gave to me during the Heisman Ceremony. Your actions were most appropriate for the situation presented to you.
Again, thank you.
Michael L. Garrett
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Dear Mr. Lawson,
Thank you for all of your assistance with the NFA Coca-Cola Kenny Loggins Event held at the Hilton Towers. The armed executive protection service that you provided was excellent. You and your staff bring a level of professionalism and integrity to a much needed service.
We hope to work with you again soon!
Liz Stuckey
Account Manager